The PRIMUS consortium (Projection in Multiple Sclerosis) will leverage AI driven by extensive clinical and imaging datasets to transform clinical decision support for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
The project was funded as part of the fifth call for RHU proposals under the Future Investments Program (PIA), integrated into France 2030 and operated by the National Research Agency.
The project is coordinated by Professor Gilles Edan and partners include the University Hospitals of Rennes (coordinating institution) and Nantes, the French Observatory for Multiple Sclerosis (EDMUS Foundation, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, and Hospices Civils de Lyon), the research teams Empenn (Inria Rennes), CRTI in Nantes, IRT b<>com in Rennes, the FCRIN4MS network, two international pharmaceutical companies (Merck and Biogen), and Pixyl.